Privacy Policy

The sole proprietorship PATERA MARIA ELENI TOU GEORGIOU (hereinafter referred to for the sake of brevity as “Company”) paying particular attention to privacy and the protection of your personal data, collects and processes your personal data applying the General Data Protection Regulation 679/ 2016 (hereinafter GDPR) of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 for the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data and the free movement thereof, as well as its implementing Regulation Law 4624/2019, such as this apply. It also undertakes to apply the European and National legislation on personal data protection.

This Privacy Policy is addressed to natural persons, such as customers, visitors, friends and any other person who has any kind of relationship with the Company.

This policy is provided by the Company in order to define and make known the terms and conditions observed by the Company for the protection of personal data processed by the latter. In particular, the data subjects (natural persons), the categories of personal data collected, the purpose for which they are collected, the legal basis of the processing, the transmission of personal data to third countries, other recipients or processors as well as the period of storage and retention of the data.

An additional purpose of this policy is to inform data subjects of their rights regarding the processing of their personal data. The Company takes all technical and organizational measures for the security of personal data.

The Company has the right to modify or update this policy, without prior notice, if this results from current European or national legislation or is deemed necessary as a consequence of our continuous effort to improve the protection of your personal data. For this reason, it is suggested as necessary a regular review of this policy to inform the interested parties.


1) “personal data”: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”), the identifiable natural person is one whose identity can be ascertained, directly or indirectly.

2) “processing”: any operation or series of operations carried out with or without the use of automated means, on personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage , adaptation or alteration, retrieval, retrieval of information, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.

Collection of personal data

When you place an order, you may be asked to provide certain personal information, such as:

– Information about your identity (name, nationality, date/place of birth, etc., VAT number and relevant D.O.Y., ADT or passport, occupation),

– Contact information (home address, email address, mobile phone number, etc.),

– Information about the payment method (credit-debit card number, expiry date, CVV, card type, name of holder, etc.)

The Company is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, the Company has established appropriate physical, electronic and administrative procedures to safeguard and secure the information it collects electronically.

The Company expressly declares that this data will not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is provided for by law or required by a court decision, prosecutorial order or decision/order of another Public Authority, as well as after written authorization from the the subject of said data itself.

Purpose of collection of personal data

The processing of personal data in accordance with European and National Regulations is done for the following purposes:

  1. For the execution of the existing contract: In order for the Company to fulfill its contractual obligations (issuing required tax documents and providing related services, providing additional services, processing payments, etc.)
  2. In order for the Company to serve its legitimate business interests. For example, to offer similar / related services, to better serve customers in a future order, to inform, for programs / offers / discounts and / or other promotional actions of the Company, to send messages / forms in the context of the satisfaction survey customers etc.
  3. In order for the Company to comply with its legal obligation.
  4. For cases where the Company has been given express consent for the processing of personal data.

Disclosure of personal data

In order to fulfill the Company’s contractual and legal obligations, personal data may be provided to various service providers and suppliers. These service providers and suppliers are bound by data processing agreements and are required to ensure confidentiality and data protection in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation.

The Company provides limited access only to those employees who are required to have access to this data based on their responsibilities. It takes all the necessary measures to avoid any unauthorized access, use or modification of this data.

Retention period of personal data

Personal data will be processed and stored during the Company’s contractual relationship with the customer and as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations (tax law, labor law, etc.). If data collection was based on express consent, it can be deleted at any time after the consent given has been withdrawn.

Personal data and minorsi

  1. The processing of personal data of a minor, when offering information society services directly to him, is lawful, as long as the minor has reached the age of 15 and provides his consent.
  2. If the minor is under 15 and up to 13 years of age, the processing of paragraph 1 is lawful only after the consent of the minor’s legal representative has been provided.

Rights of data subjects

Personal data are kept and processed exclusively for the purposes stated and/or for which it has been agreed and to the extent necessary for their fulfillment. They will be kept for the absolutely necessary period of time to serve the above purposes. As data subjects (natural persons) you have the following rights:

1) Right to Information/Transparency: It is the right to know who is processing your data, what it is and why.

2) Right of access: You have the right to request free access to your personal data held by the Company.

3) Right to rectification: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal data and the completion of incomplete information.

4) Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data, under certain conditions, such as when the data is no longer necessary, you have withdrawn your consent, the data has been subject to illegal processing etc.

5) Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data when its accuracy is disputed, the processing is unlawful, the data is no longer needed by the controller or you object to automated processing .

6) Right to data portability: You have the right to request the transfer of your data to another controller.

7) Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by an organization, provided that the public interest is not affected.

8) Right to human intervention: You have the right to object when a decision concerning you is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and this decision produces legal effects or adversely affects you.

If you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the relevant European and national legislative provisions, you have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority, i.e. the Personal Data Protection Authority.

Policy Regarding website may use Cookies and other technologies that allow the Company and third parties to obtain information about your visits to the website, including the analysis of visit patterns. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website and can be used by the website to improve your experience. For example, we will use Cookies to:

  • Does our website remember your communication language and preferences
  • We make sure you get all the information you requested
  • We provide you with a secure environment for online transactions
  • We measure how many people visit our website and how they use it, so we can keep it fast and efficient

Please note that, to the extent that information collected through Cookies and other technologies constitutes personal information, the provisions of the Privacy Policy set forth herein shall apply. The website uses


Management of Cookies and other technologies

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Please note that rejecting Cookies may affect your ability to conduct certain transactions on the Site and our ability to recognize your browser from one visit to the next.


If you subscribe to the newsletter offered on our website, the data provided during registration will only be used to send the newsletter, unless you approve a more extensive use. You can unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe feature provided in the newsletter.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to allow you to easily visit other websites of interest. However, once you use these links to leave our website, you should be aware that we have no control over that other website you go to. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of the information you provide when you visit such websites, and those websites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and review the privacy statement applicable to that website.

Contact us

If you wish to withdraw your consent, exercise your rights or if you have any question in general regarding the protection of your personal data, you can direct your respective request to the email address

Last update of the Privacy Policy: 15/02/2024