A. Introduction
  1. thetidyguru.gr is a website for the sale of products and the provision of services (hereinafter the Website) via the Internet created and operated by the sole proprietorship PATERA MARIA ELENI TOU GEORGIOU, with headquarters in Moschato Attica, 23 V. Alexandrou Street, with A.F.M. 131690018 and VAT number 173874003000, 6970659690 & info@thetidyguru.gr, hereinafter “Company”. The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the company’s website, which is located at thetidyguru.gr and operates in accordance with Law 2251/1994 on consumer protection, as amended and in force.
  2. The main activity of the Company is the sale of products and the provision of services. The highly trained staff are always available and happy to inform you. Do not hesitate to contact us for anything that concerns you, either by phone at 6970659690 or by email at info@thetidyguru.gr
  3. By using the website or the services provided by the Company, the users indicate their full and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions that the Company has set or will set in the future.
  4. The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, made through its online store, in accordance with its needs and business ethics. The Company has an obligation to inform users of any modifications and changes through this website.
B. Intellectual Property Rights
  1. This website is the official website and the official online store of the Company. All its content, including images, graphics, photographs, plans, texts, is the intellectual property of the Company and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and European law as well as by international conventions. Their appearance or display on the website and in the online store will not be considered as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them. Copyrights of third parties, such as partners, collaborating bodies, etc., are not the intellectual property of the Company.
  2. Any copying, digital or analogue recording, reproduction, distribution, transfer, processing of the content of the website, downloading, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the real provider – owner of the content of the website is strictly prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content of the website in any way or medium, for commercial or other purposes, is permitted only with the prior written permission of the Company and the legal owner of the above copyrights. The Company’s logos are its exclusive trademarks and distinguishing features and are protected by Greek, European and international rules on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. The Company reserves all its legal rights to claim any positive or consequential damages caused to it by such illegal action.
C. Information and Products Provided
  1. The Company is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information available on its website, subject to any technical or typographical errors that cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally.
  2. The Company makes every effort to accurately describe the products and services displayed on this website. However, it is not responsible for any inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete description of its products or for the website to stop functioning due to force majeure. The Company requests each user, in the event that he finds any error or inaccuracy regarding the above, either before or after completing his order, to inform it accordingly, either by sending a relevant e-mail to info@thetidyguru.gr or by contacting with its representatives/responsibles on phone 6970659690
  3. The Company tries to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this website depends on various factors such as the technical equipment of the users, the number of users trying to connect to this website or the Internet at the same time, etc. The Company is also entitled to maintain the website, even if this results in the interruption of its operation.
D. Limitation of Company Liability
  1. The Company is not liable to the users (customers) for damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of their order. It is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide its services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of the ordered products for reasons that cannot be attributed to its fault, such as indicative reasons of force majeure, extreme weather phenomena, natural disasters, emergency situations , strikes, fire, earthquake, pandemic, malfunctions of cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after they are given for shipment, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, malfunction of the Online Payment Processing provider (Bank) or host provider or Internet service provider (ISP) or access provider or the user’s terminal equipment, incorrect provision of information by the user and in general for any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of its contractual obligations. The Company’s responsibility is limited to its contractual obligations with the consumer and it will make every effort to meet them within a reasonable period of time.
  2. The Company guarantees timely information to users of any unavailability of the products.
  3. The Company guarantees the provision of high quality services, but also makes every possible effort to avoid any mistakes or failures regarding the prices or the general characteristics of the products.
  4. The Company is not responsible for any claims of a legal, civil and/or criminal nature, nor for any damage caused by website visitors or third parties due to a cause related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website and/or the inability to make available products available from him and/or from any unauthorized interventions by third parties in products and/or information available through him.
E. User Responsibility Users of this Website agree that they will not use this online store to send, post, email or otherwise transmit any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, disruptive, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene , libelous, is a violation of another’s privacy, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way, is not entitled to be transmitted according to the law or contractual relations (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any third party, contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs, which are designed with the purpose of interrupting, causing damage, destroying or impairing the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violates the applicable Greek and European legislation and its more specific provisions, may harass third parties in any way and with any content is used to collect or store personal data about other users. F. Transaction and Data Security
  1. The Company recognizes the importance of the security of Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum possible security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential.
  2. Superior online security systems and digital certification by the Company guarantee a safe and protected trading environment. To process your transactions with a credit card, you should follow the instructions in our online store and fill in the (secure) order form together with all the necessary accompanying documents and information (name of holder, card number, expiry date, CVV ).
  3. The only person who has access to the user’s information is the user himself and he is solely responsible for maintaining its secrecy and concealment. In the event of their loss or leakage, the user must immediately notify the Company either by relevant e-mail at info@thetidyguru.gr or by contacting its representatives/responsibles at phone 6970659690
The user has the possibility to change his personal code (password) as often as he wishes. It is recommended to use “strong” passwords (consisting of letters and numbers) and to avoid predictable passwords (e.g. date of birth, etc.) G. Privacy and Choices
  1. During the user’s visit to this Website and in order for him to order products and accept our services but also for the Company to be able to communicate with him, he will be asked for personal information. These personal data, which the user declares on the pages of this website, are intended exclusively to ensure the correct execution of his order and may not be used by any third party. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR 2016/679), as ratified by N 4624/2019 (as applicable), any more specific National and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation on the protection of personal data, as well as on the protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA). It is noted that the Website is fully adapted to the specifications of the latest GDPR framework and the Protection Policy has been posted.
  2. The Company guarantees the protection and non-disclosure to third parties of the user’s personal information and choices, which are declared by him when using the website.
  1. H. Order – Order Cancellation
  2. Orders are placed electronically, through this Website.
  3. In order for the user to cancel his order, in case it has not yet been executed, he must inform the Company about this either by sending a relevant e-mail to info@thetidyguru.gr or by calling 6970659690
I. Return and Replacement of Products – Withdrawal
  1. The user (customer) of the Website has the right to return the product he bought in the cases defined in the Returns Policy which you can find by clicking on the link here.
  2. In any case, no withdrawal is allowed in
– service contracts after the full provision of the service, if the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the customer and with his acknowledgment that he will lose the right of withdrawal once the contract is fully executed by the Company – products which are not suitable for return, for health protection or hygiene reasons, and which have been unsealed after delivery, such as personal care items. – contracts in which the user has specifically requested a visit from the Company in order to carry out the services provided and ordered. If, in the case of such a visit, the Company provides services in addition to those specifically requested by the customer or goods beyond those that were necessarily used in the performance of the services provided, the right of withdrawal will apply to said additional services or goods. The declaration of withdrawal is made in writing or electronically with a simple letter in which the details of the document (number, date, name), the description of the product for which the withdrawal is being exercised as well as the contact details of the withdrawer should be mentioned.
    I. Product Warranty
All products traded through the Website are of excellent quality and comply with all legal specifications. If a product is delivered with a defect, the user has the option of replacing it. The procedure for replacing defective products is described in the Returns Policy which you can find by clicking on the link here.
  1. K. Payment Methods
To be informed in detail about the individual payment methods, please follow the link here. L. Delivery of products
  1. The delivery of the products takes place within ……………. working days, by the courier company ……………… ……………, which is responsible for informing the buyer about the progress of the shipment. The delivery time of the goods can vary significantly in cases of force majeure (indicatively adverse weather conditions, earthquakes, strikes, pandemics, etc.).
  2. The Company sells and ships products only within the Greek Territory.
M. Shipping Methods
  1. All shipments of Website orders are made via the partner courier company ……………
  2. The charge for shipping costs is €….. including VAT
  3. For purchases over €………. no shipping costs are charged.
  1. The Website provides users with the opportunity to choose the information they want about new products and any other offers through promotional – informative messages to their electronic or postal address or via telephone/mobile phone.
  2. The Website will not misuse the above service. Users are always given the option to stop receiving advertising messages.
X. Litigation – Applicable Law
  1. For any dispute that may arise between the Company and the user from the operation and use of this website, regarding the interpretation, observance and application of these terms, the courts of Athens are competent and Greek Law is applicable.
  2. li>
  3. According to Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with Decree-Law 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process is now foreseen in the entire The European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting in a non-professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform ODR) available at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.
O. Other terms
  1. The listed prices of the products and services include the legal VAT
  2. There is availability of the products and services provided.
  3. For any delay or shortage, the user will be informed by the staff of the Website.
  4. If the user wishes to issue an invoice for the purchase of products, he can request it during the order. Otherwise, a simple receipt is issued.
Do not hesitate to contact us, either by e-mail at info@thetidyguru.gr or by using the contact form, or by phone at 6970659690. We are happy to provide advice on the use of the products depending on your order. We also have an organized support system -after sales support-, for any clarification or help you need with your products. We will be happy to assist you!